Director's Message

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Chairman's message to the Nation

The importance of education cannot be over emphasized .It is a very powerful tool for empowering people and for giving them self dignity.It becomes even more important for a nation like ours that is in the process of harnessing its human resources for rapid economic growth. Today we need more children in school and more of them to go on to higher education. Proper training provisioning of skills sets and capacity building of its population are tools which shall makes our human resources competent and confident to face the new set of challenges of a fast changing world..

MAHATMA GANDHI SAID "Learn while earn,So on his inspiration the multiversity adopting skilled programs."

Nations with high quality human resources would be counted amongst the frist ranking nations of the world in the knowledge era. Aristotle the ancient Greek philosopher, once remarked that the fate of nations depends on the education of it youths. Therefore reaching education to young and adult must occupy a foremost on our agenda.

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